Day 2 - Canada Place

Man is not made for defeat
— Ernest Hemingway

Tourism Is An Industry

My fear when I first planned this trip was that tourist attractions would look good on a brochure but terrible in reality.  In English, we sometimes call these areas tourist traps. The place is made to look interesting in order to attract many people.  Then, when they are in the trap, they take away as much cash as they can.  I am sorry to say, I fell for it.

Gift Shop Exit

Gift Shop Exit

Children are marvellous creatures.  And the students on this trip confirmed this fact.  They have taught me more than I have taught them.  And, I thank them for that. 

The greatest gift a child can give us is to remind us about the importance of honesty.  They are brutally honest when they don't like something and that is a good thing.  We, the adult world, must become better listeners because they have important things to tell us.  They told me that tourist traps are better left alone.  They told me that water parks and beaches are a better idea.

Life is a gift and we shouldn't waste it.  Hard work and responsibility are very important things but if you aren't having fun, what is the point?  Yes, children can teach us many things.

Day 1 - Granville Island

The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea.
— Isak Dinesen

The Long March

I named today "The Long March" because the walk along the seawall seemed long under the hot sun.  Also, the group is from China and the "The Long March" was a pivotal moment in Modern China's history.  Read more here.  

Today was the beginning of student produced work.  I am making them take pictures during the day and at night, while either the boys or girls are doing the dishes, I will sit down with the other group and have them post a picture to Trover and then write about it.  It is a little like pulling teeth but it is just another way to get them to work on their English.  The pictures are in the Trover widget below.

Travel To Vancouver

The best education I have ever received was through travel.
— Lisa Ling

The group travelled from Kunming to Vancouver via Guangzhou.  I love people who try new things.  It makes me see the greatness in the human race.  I can see now that these students and parents are great people.  It makes me happy.


The trip was long and they will be tired, but it will be morning when they get here.  They will hate me when they have to go shopping for food!  Oh well, education is a difficult thing.  At least they won't have to work on any of the posts that will be some of their responsibility during the trip.  Click on the links below to see examples of what they will have to do in the following weeks.